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Re: F125 - It's not just about safety

To: "Mari L Clements" <>, <>
Subject: Re: F125 - It's not just about safety
From: "Rich" <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 22:24:55 -0400
The ride in the car to the autocross course  is more dangerous than the kart
is on the course. BTW here is a tip for first time Jr karters ,take a push
stick(broom handle will do) and push the kart and the kid once or twice
around the course to help them get oriented.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mari L Clements" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: F125 - It's not just about safety

> On Sat, 13 May 2000 21:09:37 -0400 Mark Sirota <>
> writes:
> > The only compelling reason I can think of to keep them around is for
> > kids.  That's an awesome reason -- provided we can tolerate the very
> > different safety rules, and we're willing to deal with the screaming
> > mother once a kid turns turtle from hitting a cone just wrong.
> Hey, I could resemble that remark soon!  Matthew's kart is running,
> breaking in the engine in the garage even as I type.
> I have to admit that these kart discussions have made me nervous,
> but I keep telling myself these things:
> 1) It's 5 horse power.
> 2) The bodywork will deflect the cones so they don't get stuck in
>    the frame.
> 3) His tires are as wide as mine, his center of gravity is way lower,
>     and at least at first, he'll be slow, slow, slow.
> 4) We have no skinny light poles at our local sites.
> 5)  He's wiped out on his bike PLENTY of times going pretty darn fast.
> 6)  I broke a collarbone playing football, shredded ligaments running
>     cross country, destroyed my Achilles in track, gave myself skier's
>     thumb playing volleyball, and tore my hamstring in autocross...and
>     had a blast in each and every one of those.
> Not a bad mom for letting my kid autox a kart,
> mlc
> '91 MR2 NA
> -----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree
> with----
> ________________________________________________________________

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