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RE: Fine Print

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Fine Print
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:01:47 -0800
If the Phantom really does meet AP rules (what doesn't?) it still won't be
able to run in AP because the following year AP will no longer exist,

Katie K.

-----Original Message-----
From: The Christianson's []
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 4:51 PM
Subject: Fine Print

Did all of the AM folks see that your class is on the line?  It was in the
fine print in fasttrack.  Hopefully all of the AM people are already
talking each other into going to Nationals in 2000 to save the class, it
would suck to loose it.  

Did the participants get notice other than the fine print?  If so, ignore
the following rant.  If a class is on the line to be killed for lack of
participation the notification should be in bold print...really big bold
print, with lots of attention brought to it.  It seems to me that
communications is not always stellar.  What do I know.

Maybe if AM goes away they can run in the new AP?  From my reading of the
new rule you couldn't prove it by me that the Phantom would be illegal. 
(In other words I don't understand where AP is going)

Jeff (I don't understand the rules, but if it has a big engine and makes a
lot of noise count me in) Christianson
#65 EM

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