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Re: Cajun Christmas Greetings

To: <>, "Phil Ethier" <>
Subject: Re: Cajun Christmas Greetings
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 12:43:45 -0600
DG wrote:

>Oh well. I guess we all have our crosses to bear, eh? :)

Which brings up the subject of just how Canada got its name.
Here's what I heard:

A group of trappers were eating alhabet soup by the fire one
night trying to decide just what to call the country. They
decided to each trap a letter in his spoon and put them in
sequence. The first trapper caught a letter and said, "I got a C,
eh?" The second one said," I got an N, eh?" (rim shot) And so on,
and so forth.

Jay "couldn't resist" Mitchell

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