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RE: Check this out, Interested anyone...?

To: "'Scotty *BOB* White'" <>,,
Subject: RE: Check this out, Interested anyone...?
From: "Wilson, Lindsay (L.S.)" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:42:55 -0500
My thoughts on WC vs. Solo2;

        Find a NATIONAL charity to benefit that
        WILL be involved in the event.
                Children's Hospital?
                Shriners Hospital?
                Aids research?
        Do the events at ALL WC races.

        Have local companies at each event
        bid for teams/drivers.  $1,000 min.
        Scotty B. would have a higher reserve. :)  (2nd BSP '99)
        Linays' reserve is even higher. :)  (1st BSPL '99)

        $ goal = 20 teams each event x $1K x 12 events = $240K!
        That's a goal a national charity, and sponsors could get
        involved with.

        Have car company provide spec. cars which
        would be decorated (with removable vinyl)
        by the local sponsor companies.  This is a
        great way to get the company employees involved.
        Can sell it to the companies as 'team building'.
          BTW, I heard that Ford provided a dozen electric
          Rangers for a celebrity race in LA.  The electric
          trucks were surprisingly good racers.  LOTS of
          instant torque.

        The driver auction could be held at a dinner dance
        held prior to the race weekend.  It could be a public
        '50s sock hop, or a formal affair, up to the local
        organizers.  If the WC drivers can't make it, you
        could have card board cut outs of them.  But then
        we'd have to check for a pulse on the grid.  :)

A major hurdle to overcome will be finding time in the race
weekend schedule to hold this event.  This will depend a lot
on the type of track (road course, street circuit) and the
groups running that weekend (WC, Trans-Am, CART, ALMS, ga*.)

The first WC event on the schedule right now is the Lowes
Motor Speedway (Charlotte I think.)  Who is local that wants
to get this going?

IF we're serious, I'll talk with Pro Racing to see if they'd
be open to the idea.

Anyone have a contact with a national charity?


* ga is in lower case as I have no respect for this group.
        ga = Grand American road racing association 

-----Original Message-----
From: Scotty *BOB* White []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Check this out, Interested anyone...?

   Thats why I posted it here, these guys are saying that if a local club
set it up and ran it they would endorse it and I think it would promote solo
and W/C together.

plus it might be fun to see a few egos deflated ;-)

sbw just an ol cone masher

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>;
<>; <>; <>
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Check this out, Interested anyone...?

>     I think if some top autoxer's showed up and let the pro's drive their
>cars, it would be a bad day for the world challange drivers. Our sport is
>harder than it looks and pro's take it alittle too lightly.
>     Not trying to be cocky, But bring them on, I'm in!!!!!!!!!! ( Except
>you Scotty, you can coach them and dry there tears)
>Dean Sapp ( just can't seem to keep my big mouth shut)

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