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Re: Stock or Modified(Street Prepared, Prepared, Mod, etc.)?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Stock or Modified(Street Prepared, Prepared, Mod, etc.)?
From: "George Ryan" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 20:06:38 -0600
Jenaro and list;

I would like to answer one part of this question with a small voice of
experience. I started autocrossing about 7 years ago in a new '93 Probe GT.
I ran it for a little short of a full season, then started to develop the
FP/AP/FP(?)  Fiero.

Let me tell you, it takes a far better man than me to develop both the car
and driving skills at the same time. After all these years, I find that
those drivers that started autocrossing at about the same time as I did are
quite a bit further advanced in their driving skills than am I.

Heck, I still am STILL trying to get the car running well, and dialed in. I
might have the car driving well in a year or 2, then I can start to develop
enough skills to become a "shoe" before I start collecting Social Security!!

A Prepared or Mod car, for sure, is not a good place to start autocrossing.
With every bit of strong advice I can give, I would advocate at LEAST 3 or 4
years in stock, developing basic driving skills (maybe, just maybe street
prepared) before stepping up to the Prepared/Mod level.

That is, unless you enjoy S&M.



Jenaro Rodriguez :<> wrote

Ok, I think it's time to start a new thread with an Autocross theme ; >
). I've been pondering this for a while now. Let's assume a novice
autocrosser. Would he be better starting off with a Stock Car as opposed
to a Street Prepared? I'm not talking in terms of cost here. Only in
terms of Driving Skill development. And to take it one step further
would a Stock Class Driver be theoretically better than a (Street
Prepared, Prepared, Mod, etc.) Driver? Assuming it should be tougher to
drive a Stock Class car as opposed to a Modified Car. I've heard people
talking at events and have heard comments such as "I'd like to see what
he could do in a Competitive Stock Car" when referring to somebody
driving a Street Prepared Car. Again when I say modified car I basically
refer to anything not legal in a stock class (SCCA) and that is set up
correctly. What do you guys think?


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