Jamie Sculerati <jamies@mrj.com>
> Drive the car first. Everything else comes second.
Back in my army days, we had intercom systems for all the vehicle crew
members. This intercom can be configured to listen to just the ICS, or to
any of the two radio networks, or to a mixture of all 3.
I used to have every crew member monitoring both the ICS and the radio -
the idea being that if I missed a message intended for me, that there'd be
another 2 sets of ears that could get it - except for the driver. The
driver was absolutely forbidden to monitor the radio. I wanted him
_driving_ dammit, and the radio was too distracting.
True story: One morning, the entire squadron is lined up behind a crestline
that is the start line for the day's trace. H-Hour comes, and an exicted
crew commander (from another troop) mixes up the ICS with the radio
transmit - and broadcasts "Driver, prepare to reverse - reverse!" over the
radio net.
And two thirds of the squadron backs off the ridge. Doh!
So I agree. Drive the car first - all else is secondary.