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Re: 2000 Celica GT-S & FWD layout

To: "Phil Ethier" <>
Subject: Re: 2000 Celica GT-S & FWD layout
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:42:09 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Ethier <>
> >and unless someone figures out how to put the exhaust header
> >and the transaxle on the same side of the engine,
> That does not matter.  There is nothing to prevent a sidewinder crossflow
> setup with the intake on the front and the exhaust on the rear.  The
> differential can be on the front side of the setup, moving the engine aft.
> And who figured that it was a good idea to waste space under the engine on
> exhaust pipes anyway?  Keeping all that heat away from the CV boots seems
> better idea to me.

Mechanically, it's possible to put the exhaust manifold on the "rear," but
in most of the FWD cars I've had, you'd significantly raise the temperature
under the hood -- or push the engine even further forward to provide more
cooling space around the header.  You could expand the engine compartment,
but like you said, FWD is largely about space efficiency -- if you're going
to open up all that space for the engine, you may as well optimize the drive
layout and put the driving wheels in the back!

'92 Prelude Si (would be even better in RWD)
Speed Demon Racing

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