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Re: Want a new old autocross car

Subject: Re: Want a new old autocross car
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 13:25:15 EDT
If you want a High perfromance Low cost Car, You need the Merkur Xr4ti, It 
was produced by ford in 1985-1989, and sold in Lincoln-Merkury Dealerships. 
It was made to compete with Bmw 3 series and other cars in its class. It is 
low cost, a high quality one will only be about 3500, they are powered by a 
2.3l Turbo Single overhead cam, you would want one with the t-9 tranny, or 
someone that converted it to a t-5 since they have 170hp and boost of 15psi 
stock, the automatic c-3(which I have) has 130hp, since it has a mild cam and 
boost is limited to 10-12psi, on either one, you can easily increase the 
boost to 20psi, and most mildly xr4ti's make 285 horsepower and are very 
reliable. The car has on of the best aerodynamics of anycar. You should 
really consider using one of these cars for autox. 

Tim Casey
87.5 Merkur xr4ti C-3

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