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Re: AS or AP TVR??

To: Mike Bultemeier <>
Subject: Re: AS or AP TVR??
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:43:19 -0700

Mike Bultemeier wrote:
> It is A-Stock alright. Last year it was in C-Stock and took 2nd at the
> Nationals.
> I think after that the politics kicked in it went to A-Stock.

Do you have some reason to believe that it was politics and not reasoned
review by the board? According the car's owner, the car should be in
A-Stock and *he* was happy it was not moved to a SP class. He knew he
probably had one good year in the car before it would be moved.

Do you not think that if Bill did not have his hand in a cast with his
thumb sticking up, he would not have done better? I do.

I have no problem with liking a type of car, but you seem to letting it
get in the way of rational thought. Regardless, the car in this thread
is not Bill's TVR anyways.

Randy Chase

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