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Re: parts swap questions

To: "autox" <>,
Subject: Re: parts swap questions
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:11:36 -0400
>Are you allowed to swap parts across different years and trims of a
>particular car?  Does it make a difference if the car is listed on a
>different line in the yearbook?  What about stock vs street prepared?  Is
>the type-r also in G-stock?

In stock, you can only run a configuration that was available from the
factory in that particular model year in stock form.  For instance, I added
a factory 17mm rear sway bar to my '83 BMW 320i that didn't have one.  The
sway bar came with the 320iS sport package, and it was an option by itself.
The fact that it was a stand-alone option made it OK for me to add the bar
and stay in stock, because the car could have come from the factory in that
configuration.  However, installing factory Recaros from an '83 320iS was
NOT legal for stock (even though it's the same model year), since the
Recaros weren't available in the regular 320i.  That puts me in SP.  In your
case, it's OK to run your Integra GSR in stock form, but it's not OK to put
Type-R swaybars on.  However, if you put EVERY Type-R part onto your GSR
(effectively turning your GSR into a Type-R), it would once again be stock
legal.  This is probably beyond your resources, and it would be far easier
to just trade your GSR for a Type-R!  But if you bite the bullet and go SP,
you can mix and match different parts from different models of different
model years.  Under SP rules, I can run my '83 320i with the Recaros from a
320iS.  I have solid front rotors, but I can legally install the vented
rotors and the calipers that go with them that were only available on the
'77 320i.  But I can't upgrade to M3 brakes, since M3s are on different

    - Justin

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