David Hawkins wrote...
> I'd like to publicly thank Dave Hillman for letting me flog his car at
> this event. Dave bought my trailer, which meant that I couldn't bring
> my autox car. When he heard this, he offered a co drive with no request
> for compensation.
This is my co-driver's attempt at making me seem like a really nice
guy, but the real story is, in addition to letting him flog our
un-prepared and ill-setup MR2, I *let* him change the tires, install a
Bailey hitch, magnetize a bunch of decals, and wire it for the trailer.
He's also worth a bunch of horsepower as a co-driver. Really! Thanks
to him ( and the Pro format ) we discovered that our MR2 was missing power.
This is why, in case anyone is curious, the MR2 that was giving away 2-3
car lengths at the start Saturday morning, was mysteriously down only half
a car or less ( depending on the driver ) in the afternoon.
Other things I learned at my first ProSolo, in fact, my first
non-regional event;
* The three hardest things at a Pro are keeping two whole courses
in your head, not getting distracted by the start, and checking in
for your work assignment.
Saturday, people told me to go to the Timing Trailer, and find the
sheet. No luck, but other people told me the sheet was by Tech.
Eureka! Sunday, I, and a couple other folks, spent half an hour
trying to find the sheet. People by Tech, said check the Trailer.
People by the Trailer, said check by Tech. Finally, we said screw
it and just went out to work. I think I eventually got checked in
via radio.
* Concrete is different.
* ProSolos can apparently have apexes marked by grass, or
seriously broken-up concrete and manhole-covers. I guess the
higher average level of driver skill allows for slimmer safety
* My tire gauge is inconsistent, but the Kumhos are wearing well.
* My driving is even less consistent, unless consistently throwing
it at the scenery counts.
> If this is what most Pros are like, I might be getting a license next
> year....
I'm not sure I'll do that, but I'd like to be at Peru next year. Next
closest Pro is 600 or so miles, but I guess that's true for everyone.
To sum up; drove poorly, had fun, wish there were more.
D a v i d H i l l m a n
scscc, nma, scca, imoc