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Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2 -- Adjustments in Staging

Subject: Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2 -- Adjustments in Staging
From: Thomas Harrington <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 16:47:16 -0700
Kevin McCormick wrote:
>> Yes indeed he is - not a big deal, but someone needs to remind him that
>> he cannot check tire pressures when switching sides - only when you go
>> back to grid.
Randy wrote:
>Yes! I saw that and made a note to talk to him about it. I will e-mail
>him about that this morning. Rookie mistake. 

Hi All!!
 First, let me say, that if I broke the rules, I'm sorry.  It certainly
was not intentional.  I looked in the rule book to see why I thought
this was legal, and here is what I found.

1999 ProSolo Rule Book
page 16-17, section 11.H Pre-grid, Grid and Staging, number 6.
"6.  While cars are in the Stage Lanes (not the Start Area) limited
adjustments may be made.  This includes tire pressures, shock settings,
open hood for cooling, etc., but does not include tire cleaning, cooling
with a water bottle, or any other adjustments/functions that could leave
an after product for succeeding cars."

Further more, number 7 states on page 17
"7.  The Start Area will be defined by red cones, and is approximately
the last 40 feet of the Stage Lane prior to the staging lights."

So, perhaps I'm wrong, but I think my adjusting tire pressures WAS
legal.  All of my adjustments were done at the VERY start of the staging
lane, before the side door to the trailer.  I do not remember any red
cones, but I'm confidant I was more than 40 feet ahead of the staging
lights.  My car is 14-15 feet long, so that's only 2.5 car lengths.

If I'm wrong in this, or ANY OTHER MATTER, please let me know.  I want
to make sure I comply with all rules for the fairness of all
competitors.  That may sound like BS, but I'm serious.

BTW, the event was great, and I really appreciate all the help and
advice I have received from fellow competitors.

Thank you,

-Tom Harrington
95 MR2 Turbo

(if you get this twice, sorry, I sent the first copy to a bad address, I

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