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Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 09:59:51 -0700

Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> Okay, what gives?  Are the ProSolo rules so draconian that you aren't
> even allowed to bleed your tires back down between runs?  Please give me
> a good argument for that rule. 

You can between runs, but not between left and right side runs. You
really do not have time to do car adjustments as you are really in a
moving line. It would be more chaotic/unsafe to allow pressure
adjustments in the staging area.

There are some extra rules that are put into ProSolo because of the

Really, I don't see how it matters that much after one 30-31 second run.

And we don't call the rules in ProSolo Draconian..they are Howardonian.

Randy Chase
'91 MR2 CS
'00 MR-Spyder this fall (BS? CS?)
"And when she turned sweeter, the reason (between you and I) was that
she had just seen my green Lamborghini.
So we went for a spin in the feel the wind in our hair.
To feel the power of my feel the thrill of desire..."
-Roger Waters

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