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Re: Farzaan's Wastegate (was: Why Smaller Pulley?)

Subject: Re: Farzaan's Wastegate (was: Why Smaller Pulley?)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 11:06:26 -0400

> DG wrote:

>> All this does is provide a "legal" means of putting a boost
>> controller on an SP car.

> You might be naive enough to believe this is legal, but IMO it is a > direct
attempt to circumvent the intent of the SP rules and will be > shot down in a

Notice the quotes around the word "legal" Mark.

For the record, I had someone ask me what I thought of the idea a few months ago
(he had come up with the concept independantly of Farzaan) and I told him that
while it was by the letter of the rules "legal" it was obviously an attempt to
end-run another rule, and certainly counter to the spirit of the rules in
general - and I was rather emphatic that he not do this.

> Of course it will be a moot point once the highly praised "no
> exhaust changes before the cat" turbo car rule goes into effect.

"Highly praised"? Hardly. I understand that the SEB was bombarded with
complaints that the rule was unfair and unfounded. I would be very suprised if
the rule goes through after all the negative feedback they recieved.


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