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Re: finishing order

To: "Phillip S. Osborne" <>
Subject: Re: finishing order
From: Jim Ourand <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 22:47:09 -0700
Disagree.  Last in class is DFL; DNS is for those who don't show.......

"Phillip S. Osborne" wrote:
> Subject: finishing order
> Nope, you came in second.  DFL is reserved for all those who don't bother to
> show.....
> Phil O.
> >>P.S.  If you're second place in a class of two, are you still DFL?  If so,
> >>chalk one more up for Team DFL!
> >

Jim Ourand, Still Looking For A Car, Old Fartz, DCCSD
Pro Image Signs & Banner (619) 265-2052

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