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RE: Rock-bottom-in-cost?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Rock-bottom-in-cost?
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 20:08:25 -0700
> I have autocrossed a lot in years gone by. I would autocross
> quite often even now if I found events within my close-to-home range
> that offered the following:
> A class for HS cars only on street tires.
> That is all I'm looking for, at present, as far as my own individual
> autocrossing is concerned.

This has got to be the ultimate I-class argument I've ever seen.

> We have had a street tire class around here for several years.
> It came into being partly because of my years of preaching against soft
> compound tires on stock cars.
> I liked the street tire class at first. At least I thought it was
> better than running on hard tires against cars on soft tires. Or not
running at all.
> The way the class is done here -- one big class, all stock and street
> prepared cars on street tires with a treadwear rating of 140 or above are
> eligible. The PAX index decides the finishing order.

So, how would you propose to have an 'H-stock only, street tire only' class?
How many scores of HS street tire cars ARE there in your region?  Would you
propose a separate street tire class for each corresponding Stock or Street
Prepared class?  To what end?  For who?  Would we have to provide suitable
competitors for you, too?

> My complaint is that the PAX changes every year based on things
> that happen far from here on courses and with cars that are not on hard
tires. Cars,
> courses and tires that are not reflective of our local situation.
> No matter which way the PAX was changing, making it easier or
> harder for me,  I'd still find it unsatisfactory and un-satisfying as a
way to
> determine who wins and who doesn't. Kind of throws an extraneous penalty
> advantage with no real connection to the competitors around here who run
> more-or-less regularly. Kind of artificial.

Sure.  And your alternative is??  A special RacerRay index for HS cars on
street tires?  Where will THAT data come from?  ("Gee, I feel like I should
have finished about third overall at today's event. I'll take a .521 index,

> I've had the same car for 7 years. It hasn't changed. Some of the regular
> street tire folks the same. The PAX factors have changed yearly,
> moving the numbers closer to each other. For me it has been rather like
> having 75 lbs. added to my car each year.

Oh, PLEASE!!  Running Street Tire in an H-Stock car is THE BEST possible
scenario for running under the PAX index.  Street tires, like rain and other
poor surface situations, levels the playing field by handicapping the cars
with better suspension and/or power, that now can't make use of those
advantages.  Running Street Tire last year in an ESP Camaro, I had to give
THREE SECONDS to an HS car on a 60 second course (for me).  This year, in
SS, I have to give up MORE than three seconds.  The PAX index would reflect
reality much better for street tired cars if it were compressed by about

> I have proposed another solution to the problem. To run more than
> a few times a year it would require a rule change by about 5 clubs within
> range. I don't have the time off from work to attend meetings of the TSCC,
> much less several other outfits scattered over the map.

Wow.  So, make you happy, all that the autocross world needs to do is change
the rules for five different clubs that you're too busy to ask in person.
Plus SCCA of course.  We'll get right on it.

> National rules that made a place for an HS car on street tires would mean
> that when I hit the road I would be going to Richmond or N.C. --
> or wherever --  to a class that makes sense to me and is worth the effort.
> competition, not just running for fun. Low cost too. Not
> requiring much car preparation. 3 minutes of running isn't worth a lot of
> or work to  me.

And exactly, precisely WHAT is now stopping you from getting together with
whatever other Street Tire HS-ers feel your same pain, and competing heads
up?  You don't want to compete on index, right?  Do you want to run heads-up
with AM??  What the hell are you looking for?

> If I am the only one who sees it this way the SCCA and various clubs and
> Regions aren't leaving out a significant number of participants.
> Short of a  national survey of some kind there really isn't a way to be
> of how many might be in the market for such an autox situation.

Sure there is.  Participation and lobbying.  Those things you can't be
bothered to do.  The things that got Formula V a class, and Vettes into BSP,
and Vipers kicked out of stock (oops!).

> That's pretty much what I'm looking for. I have been advised by a
> few that if  I don't like the way things are or it isn't fun I should just
> do it. A close reading of one of my posts and a little memory would reveal
> that I have already said I am happy to find other things to do on Sunday.
> got hooked on autox years ago. The habit isn't hard to break though. Build
> and I will come. Leave things as-is and my entry fee stays in my pocket.

I'd agree with the few.  Your wish list is so totally unrealistic that it
boggles the imagination.  Do you go to Century Theatres and ask for your own
private screening, too?


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