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RE: Same Old Tire Cost Hash? Nah.....

Subject: RE: Same Old Tire Cost Hash? Nah.....
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:28:46 EDT
Scott Meyers wrote:
>No wonder the Street Tire classes are huge in our and many other
>areas........oops - don't want to rehash that old argument     :-)

You know I have to do a reality check with Oregon Region's statistics and 
Street Tire classes just aren't very big here.  We offer an indexed Street 
Tire class and "standard" Street Touring classes... given that, people 
overwhelmingly choose to run in the R tire classes once they leave the 
indexed Novice class.  I think we still make Novices move to a "real" class 
after 4 events if they haven't won, so it really is necessary to make a 

To make the following table, I subtracted all Novice, Street Touring, Street 
Tire, & Time Only entries from the total entries to arrive at "Total R Tire 
Entries".  "Total Street Tire Entries" are the combination of Street Touring 
and Street Tire classes.  Time Only in Oregon Region is usually a second 
entry to gain practice rather than someone avoiding entering into a points 

                            1999     1998     1998     1998     1998
                                Event 1  Event 9  Event 8  Event 7  Event 6
        Number of Entries    188      153      138      136      148
                   Novice     38       27       27       28       27
           Street Touring      5        4        3        3        4
    Street Tire (indexed)      3        4        4        6        9
                Time Only     16       42       19       28       26
     Total R Tire Entries    126       76       85       71       82
Total Street Tire Entries      8        8        7        9       13

George "I hope the formatting isn't munged" Emery

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