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Re: g-froce R1 defect

Subject: Re: g-froce R1 defect
From: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 19:30:12 PST
My input on this,
Now I don't like G-force but I am standing behind them here
it is not the tire at fault But ask your friend for me What tire 
pressures he was running Too low pressures, this is similar to what 
caused the EGOD, but the old R-1's loved low pressure so this was 
somthing we lived with.. The G-spots (from what I heard) Hate low 
pressure and if you friend was running his old R-1 pressures this may 
have been significant to push the center of the tire together (and up 
toward the rim, not away like the R-1) under connering, tearing away 
the rubber from the cord,  where the old r-1 would push this rubber 
towards the pavement and causing it to wear in a "non existant" groove  

Take a pencil eraser, soft huh, kinda like a R-tire, well pull on two 
same side cornners it flexes but you really would have to pull the 
S#!T out of it to rip it, now Push on those same cornners towards the 
center  the oppisite side of the eraser will bend and split in a 
magnitude of what you pushed that side.  that is the best I can 
explain the diffrence between tire  construction and what *MAY* have 
caused this problem Moral (Inflate them HIGH) then work down. the tire 
will get less grip before you hurt it

(normal disclamer) YMMV IMHO
This is based on 3rd party data,  yadda yadda yadda,

Jeff Lloyd

>Last Saturday I went at the Talladega gran prix track for a test&tune 
>day.  I tested my talon tsi awd to the track on a set of yokos 
>Anyway, a friend of mine was there also with an Isuzu I-Mark RS with 
>g-force R1 tires.  He previously autocrossed them at one event 
>but they still had plenty of tread.  He came in after 3 hot laps to 
>a temperature reading on the tires and they were 80 degrees all 
>He went back out and after 5 or 6 hot laps he came in again 
>of a sudden loss of grip which almost made him fly off the track in 
>of the fast banked right-hander turns.  His front left tire was 
>completely destroyed.  It looked like the tread was peeled off the 
>middle of the tire.  There was a 3 inch or so wide "trench" in the 
>running along the whole circumference of the tire.  The middle part 
>completely shredded away and the some of the metal cords was also 
>ripped.  We quickly took a temperature reading and it still read 
>80 degrees, which is low compared with the old R1s.  Tread was still 
>visible on the inside of the tire, or what was left of it to prove 
>the tire was new.  I am hoping that BFG will help him out with a new 
>tire because clearly this one had a defect.  Has anyone else 
>such a problem?  Any s

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