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RE: Clorox for your tires?

To: "'Rocky Entriken'" <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>,
Subject: RE: Clorox for your tires?
From: "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 19:39:40 -0700
> Jeff Mohler inquired:
> > The use of traction compounds is legal?
> > I can swipe down the R's with VHT before a run if i wanted to?
> Yep, you can, but it would not do you much good.
> VHT was invented for drag racing. Think about what is happening there. You
> swipe down the tire for one primary part of a competition that is going to
> last anything from 4.6 to 15 seconds depending on whether you are Top Fuel
> Dragster or Z/Stock Automatic. It is there to help you launch. It is there
> to get you going downtrack in a very short duration contest. It is mostly
> gone by the time you reach half-track (and consider that at the premier
> events, and maybe many lesser ones, the track itself is treated with VHT).

        Of course.

        Being a dragracer, I understand that.  In defense of VHT, the entire
dragstrip is coated hevailly with this stuff as well, and most people dont
bother with direct application.

        But I -am- considering the initial advantage that the first, second,
or maybe even third turn might be to me in a battleship heavy VR4 on an
asphalt course.

        It'll wear off yes, and cause little if any detrimental effect (as
long as I remember what the REAL response of the car is like later in the

        As in everything else competative, its not finding ways to cheat,
but ways to uniquely remain legal.

        On a personal note, I'll keep the digital camera very busy in Neokla
and at the Mid-Divs for ya this year.

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