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Re: Clorox for your tires?

To: "D. Barry Stubbs" <>
Subject: Re: Clorox for your tires?
From: Terry Green <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 17:28:45 -0500
Don't really know, but back when I had racing karts, we ran in a big parking
lot, we would sweep down the track, then spray it with Clorox. they stuck
like glue.....

Terry Green
79 scirocco  DSP #64

D. Barry Stubbs wrote:

> Got a wierd question.  Buddy of mine said something about putting Clorox
> on your tires to soften them up - the Clorox eats a little from the
> tread.  Anyone ever heard of such a thing?  Is this even legal?  I was
> considering trying this on these old street tires I'm still burning off.
> --
> D. Barry Stubbs                          
> (912) 745-9429                                     AOL IM: thez24man
>                               ICQ #5409648
> #101GS Atlanta Region SoloII                       88 2.8 5Spd White Z24

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