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Re: toe alignment and centered steering wheel.

Subject: Re: toe alignment and centered steering wheel.
From: "Mari L. Clements" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:32:59 -0500
Scott & Glenda Meyers wrote:
>> There is never such a thing as one side with one toe setting and the
>> other side with another once the car is moving - the steering wheel
>> will seek true center regarless of where the spokes are.

To which Mark Sirota responded:
>Yes, but you'll be able to turn sharper in one direction than in the
>other.  You want the steering rack centered for this reason, and you
>want the steering wheel centered for human factors reasons (and personal

We drive our cars with their autocross setups.  Can I just tell you how
irritating it was to drive the Shelby for six months with the spoke of the
steering wheel right EXACTLY where my hand goes?

'91 MR2 NA (aligned at a shop)
Mari L. Clements, Ph.D.
442 Moore Building/160 University Support Building 1
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802-3104
(814)863-5664 fax--(814)863-5658 or (814)863-7002

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