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Re: toe alignment and centered steering wheel.

To: autocross <>
Subject: Re: toe alignment and centered steering wheel.
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 17:15:48 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> Next question.  How do I know if each front tire is an equal amount of
> toe, out or in, from the actual centerline of the car?  In other words,
> whats to keep me from accidentally screwing up the toe so badly that it
> ends up having 1/2" toe out on the left side and 3/8" toe in on the
> right side which would measure out as 1/8" total toe out using y'all's
> methods?
> If I keep the steering wheel centered the whole time will the toe end up
> where I want it or can I still screw it up that badly?

Short answer: drive it and check.

Long answer: You're right, if you use a two wheel toe method, there's no
direct way to tell where the steering wheel is straight.  Basically you
just always turn the tie rods the same amount, starting with the wheel

You can use the string method to get around this.  That method will also
ensure that you don't manage to set your car up to crab down the road...

         |     | front wheels
        /     /
       |     |  rear wheels

The automagic alignment shop stuff actually just does a computerized
version of the string method, otherwise called a 4 wheel alignment.

> I measured incorrectly where the washers should have been welded in
> place and screwed myself out of a lot of camber.  So now I have to
> remove the struts, again, and grind off the old washers and reweld
> another set of washers in the correct place so that I can get some
> usable negative camber in my non-ACR Neon.

And the even more scary thing is that you could be protested for that...


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