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Re: rebound vs. compression?

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: rebound vs. compression?
From: Ben Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 23:00:33 -0500
PZ cited Hemingway on "true sports".  That's his opinion.  
He also treated marriage, drinking, fishing, hunting, and Russian
Roulette as a sport.  I do not think the possibility of death necessary
for sport.  Chess, golf, badminton, bowling, cricket, and baseball are
pure sports.  The are cheaper and healthier mentally and physically than
racing, mountain climbing, and bullfighting.  Following is a letter from
Papa which shows his wit and humanity [keeping his spelling &
punctuation except for "*": 

Yesterday worked hard and good and had all my, stuff, 1472 words and
only used the word f**k once when it was used in anger and their no
substitute.  Can always substitute the word fornicate ... always
remember when Hadley and me were busted up for my fault and stupidity
... lovely Hadley ... relatives would ask him to needle him where his
father was he would say ... 'Papa va en Espagne couche avec le Taureau'
... he wanted some final word or talisman from me ,then with RAF [some
words inserted] and he had no business even telling me he was going .It
was at the Dorch and I thought very hard for a final word or talisman as
he put it and said ,"Keep your bowells open and remember that there will
be some f**king corner of some foreign field that will be forever
England ."  
        Much love .Thanks for all the work . Must go to big investment
ball game .
        (signed) Papa

[Other parts of his letters on request.] 
[Other quotes ==>] 
[Ben Palmer]

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