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SoPac Solo I Events

Subject: SoPac Solo I Events
From: "Thomas J. McKeown" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 19:40:53 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 21:35:38 -0800
From: "Thomas J. McKeown" <>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win16; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: SoPac Solo I Events

                  SoPac Division Solo I Schedule
       Date          Region               Track                  
 March 27-28       San Diego  Holtville                       
 March 28          Hawaii     Hawaii Raceway Park             
 May 15-16         Las Vegas  Las Vegas Speedway              
 October 2-3 *     Las Vegas  Las Vegas Speedway              
 October 24        San Diego  Holtville                       
 November 27-28 *  Las Vegas  Las Vegas Speedway              
 December 4-5      San Diego  Holtville                       
                             * Tentatively Scheduled

Note: SoPac Solo I events are held in the following regions;
Hawaii region holds Time Trials, Las Vegas region, and 
San Diego region hold  Special Solo I Events.  These events 
are run as separate sessions during a Club Race weekend,
on the same track as the club racers, and with passing 
zones designated with double traffic cones.  Due to the time 
constraints and to promote smooth operation to the organizers 
of the club race the last Solo I session of the event is 
timed and the competitors best time is used as if it were 
a timed run, this will continue unless it promotes racing.

Rev. B 03/08/99
Thomas J. McKeown
SoPac Solo I Events Steward

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