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RE: SP rules on catalytic converters

To: "'Jay Mitchell'" <>,
Subject: RE: SP rules on catalytic converters
From: "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 09:07:32 -0700
> Jeff Mohler said:
> > Thats funny, all three of my sports cars pass with colors on
> the
> >dyno "full environment" test w/o convertors.  One is even
> wearing moderately
> >heavy modifications.
> Let me get this straight: you claim that your cars are in full
> compliance with EPA standards for Nox, Co, and HC emissions
> without the catalytic convertor? I'm very skeptical.
> If this were true, why is it are all the car manufacturers are
> screwing up so badly and installing these things on all the cars
> they make?

        A well maintained, tuned, and well designed motor, will run very
very clean.

        The Toyota 3S, and 7M designs are extremely clean.  

        My NOX numbers were higher than normal, but within spec.  With a
cat, I tested darn near 0 cross the board.

        The Supra Mailing list has a -very- large population of users who
pass EPA sniff tests under all sorts of testing procedures (from state to

        The most common cause of failure is a bad O2 sensor, and plugged up
EGR systems.  (assuming the motor is in good shape..etc)

        Convertors only work in a relatively narrow temperature rance.  They
don't work well cold, and don't work well when too hot.  They are for cars
that are NOT maintained well, do NOT run well, or are inherently bad designs
and dont burn as clean as they could.

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