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The Cost of A-X (long)

Subject: The Cost of A-X (long)
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 01:42:40 -0500

  You know, I think that Mari has hit on a novel approach for this forum
- facts and figures rather than guessing and opinion. Perhaps it will
catch on! (But likely not. Dredging up facts is a lot harder than simply
banging a few keys.)


  1.)  A number of posts lately have claimed that this sport is, or
should be, cheap and inexpensive.  Sorry - the facts are that this hobby
is not.  You probably don't want to choose Solo with a minimum wage job.
 Or try to pay for tires with food stamps.  Try polo instead.
  2.)  A number of posts lately have advocated either "Street" or "R"
tires as least expensive.  Most of us think that, given either approach,
tires are by far the largest part of our budgets.  The facts show that
they are not.
  3.)  I am continually amazed at the low rates negotiated in some of
the "business deals" for paying co-drivers.  Inevitably, the $$ doesn't
to cover the owner's costs.  A fair rental rate would need to be in the
low three figures/day to accomplish that.  And would still not cover the
total costs of presenting the car at the start line.


  I have always tracked closely my autocross expenses.  It's just part
of my anal nature. Since my Team 'Net friends got me slightly past
computer illiterate a few years ago, this task is pretty easy!
  Let me present the picture - averaged over the 1997 and 1998 seasons,
to smooth any extraordinary expenses.

  In 1998, I ran 24 events.  4 Pros, 0 Tours, the entire BFG CenDiv
Series, the Solo II and Corvette Club Nationals, and one test 'n tune.
  There were 37 event days, and 30 travel/down days.  I made a total of
192 runs. I travelled 13,469 miles, using 1363 gallons of #2.

Expenses related to the tow vehicle                            31.7% of
the total
Expenses related to the trailer                                    22.1%
Dues & entries
Meals (average $20.02/day)
Lodging  (Stay in the trailer)
Expenses related to the a-x vehicle                             28.8%

  Breaking out the vehicle expenses:
Depreciation                     8.4%    of the total
Parts/Maintenance            8.1%
Tires                                  6.4%
Insurance                          3.8%
Fuel                                   1.9%
Tags                                    .2%
          Total                       28.8%

   Hence tires, at 6.4% of my total autocross costs, represent a smaller
expense than entries, food, depreciation, or parts & maintenance!

  These figures do all include depreciation (tow vehicle 7yrs, trailer
10 years, car 15 years) but no interest.  Mine are all old and paid for
- but for many of us, interest would be the number one expense!!  Number
two for a National program would be lodging.  In these cases, tires
would be an even smaller part of the total.

  And IMO, running a local program instead of Nationally only changes
the scale - not the relative values. If you don't tow or trailer, most
of those costs are simply re-allocated elsewhere.
  Many competitors I've talked with really don't WANT to know what this
costs them.   .   .   .

Roger (Ohio) Johnson

cc:   rjohnson

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