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Re: Port-installed parts (Toyota Camry)?

Subject: Re: Port-installed parts (Toyota Camry)?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 01:17:15 EST
In a message dated 99-03-17 20:50:36 EST, writes:

<< You want to have a fun discussion, ask the Sunbeam Tiger guys and gals
 about "LAT Options". Some of us "old timers" remember the numerous, to put
 it mildly, letters written to the Solo Board about options that were
 installed in the "Los Angeles extension of the English factory" or some
 such argument. I remember even supporting the Tiger guys who wanted the
 options even though they ran against my Datsun 260Z. Probably because I
 usually beat them even with the options?
 "The more things change, the more they stay the same..."  >>

They also bitched about having to run against my 113 HP '85 MR-2 in '89-90,
too!  The more they change, indeed...

My info has been that the LAT options weren't "installed," they were
"available" from L.A.  Sort of like the Chevy High Performance Catalog.  I'm
not sure about Tigers, but all the A/Cs and sunroofs installed by Toyota at
the port appear on the Monroney sticker.  The ability to check a box on the
factory order form and appearance on the Monroney sticker have always been 2
proofs of an option qualifying as "Stock."  If the SCAC/SEB want to exclude
that option, they should do so specifically, or it will appear at an event


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