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Re: Fast first run

Subject: Re: Fast first run
From: Heyward K Wagner <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:57:26 EST
Let me start by saying simplily that I am by no means an "expert" but I
have enjoyed some success in a realitively short period of time.

I am starting my 3rd year and have run around 40 events.  About 15 events
in I started doing the fast first runand slow down thing, here is what I

First of all I deside what exactly I want to do for the entire run prior
to the first run (where to break, when I turn in, shift points, etc). 
Then I go and do it as closely as I can.  If it worked and felt good I do
exactly the same thing again.  I do not try to go faster, I just try to
do the exact same thing, only smoother.  The key is to try to duplacate
the prior run as far as you line and technique, what you want to improve
is your control and rhythm.  If after the first run it doesn't feel right
then fix it mentally and start over.  What you want is a good starting
point to get smoother from.  It sounds like you are getting that starting
point if your first time is competitive.

Well, ther are my 2 cents...

ES #48
Honda Civic Si

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