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Re: San Diego Tour Hotels

To: Josh Sirota <>,
Subject: Re: San Diego Tour Hotels
From: Perry Kincy <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 09:28:18 -0800
AAA rate is $85, AARP (Boo Hiss) rate is $84.  I paid the extra dollar simply to
deny to myself being an "Old Fartz".


Josh Sirota wrote:

> Kevin Bailey wrote:
> > Anybody (Randy?) know anything about hotels for the San Diego tour yet?
> >  Since it is spring break about that time it would be nice to know if there
> > is going to be a host motel.  I just tried getting a reservation at one
> > hotel but they were full.  Sure would be nice if the SCCA web site had some
> > available info.
> > Also info for the following weekend at San Bernardino would be helpful,
> > too.
> Kay,
> I went ahead and made reservations at the hotel that we always used to
> use as the HQ in San Diego ... the Holiday Inn at I-15 & Aero Drive.
> It's actually on Murphy Canyon Road.
>         619-278-9300
>         800-666-6996
> Remember that the Hotel Circle hotels are where we as a club have a poor
> vehicle theft record (right, Per, Vic, and Charlie?)
> I have no idea if this is supposed to be the HQ hotel this year, but
> it's done well for us in the past ...
> Josh

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