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GEEZ on the Web

Subject: GEEZ on the Web
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:34:48 -0700
GEEZ is on the web, although only with a simple page so far.

Aim your browser at and take a look.

I'd love to hear comments about how the page looks on various browsers, 
whether it loads quickly enough, etc., before I go using this format for 
additional pages.  Don't worry too much about clicking on the buttons; 
they don't go anywhere yet.  But they should be live shortly.

We will have the "Products" button working first, and that will be a 
good place to get the latest information on release dates, etc.  Right 
behind that will be the "Download" pages, so you'll be able to download 
updates and even demos from the website.

Also, any GEEZ customers out there that have nice jpegs of you and/or 
your race car, with GEEZ logos visible, I'd love to put you on the site! 
 Contact me and I'll give you the details.

If you get a chance to look at it, give me your feedback by private 
post, so as not to embarrass me, and bore the entire net.  


Byron Short
Extreme GEEZ, Inc.

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