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Re: Raffle Ethics

To: Matt Murray <>
Subject: Re: Raffle Ethics
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 19:01:48 -0800

Matt Murray wrote:
> As someone said, just do a little research on who you do contribute to or buy
> raffle tickets from.

Excellent point, Matt.  But I'd go one step further.  The same
reasoning should also apply to e-mail chain letters and virus scares. 
In my xx years as a broadcast journalist (read that: Radio News Guy)
I've learned that you should never take anything at face value;  no
matter what the source.  Check it out first!  If you can't verify it
through at least two independent sources, forget it!!  I've yet to
find a virus scare or e-mail chain letter that was legit!!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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