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Re: Raffle Ethics

To: John Steczkowski <>
Subject: Re: Raffle Ethics
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 17:36:37 -0500
Neither of the ones I mentioned appear to have a high level of ethics.

The one that the editor was involved with was Spina Bifida (sp) I think. Down in

As someone said, just do a little research on who you do contribute to or buy
raffle tickets from.

John Steczkowski wrote:

> > Bottom line? Contribute to a group that you know is legit. I
> > spoke with the
> > editor of Panorama (Porsche Club of America monthly
> > magazine). She felt the same
> > way about accepting an ad from one of these groups (the less
> > than ethical kind),
> > but if they meet the legal requirements to the state or feds,
> > they had to take
> > the ad. In the mean time, she has set up a raffle for another
> > truly legitimate
> > charity group that did return some nice moneys directly back
> > to that charity.
> >
> So which one is that?
> I've been thinking about sending in money for one of these raffles, thanks
> for enlightening me....
> John S.

Matt Murray

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