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Ink for your Solo II?

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Ink for your Solo II?
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 21:59:40 -0500 (EST)
As some may have noticed, SportsCar is now spotlighting a Regional-level 
Solo II each month. Past or upcoming events have been Nebraska's Make-a-Wish,
Dixie's Axis vs. Allies, Mississippi's Tri-State Finale, San Francisco's
Boondoggle by the Bay.

The point is to focus on REGIONAL events that have some special character
about then. NOT Divisionals. NOT Tours. But that special that you do every
year, or once in a while, or one-time-only but it is a really special deal.

So ... Does YOUR Regional Solo II fit that parameter? Might it be a candidate
for  Solo Event of the Month?

If so, tell me. 

No, don't tell me the week before it happens. WAY too late. Tell me NOW if
it is scheduled for later this summer or fall. Or Winter. 

Tell me the date, the organizing Region, and what is special about it. Tell
me the event chair, if known, and give me a contact phone number. Or else
just give me the Region's solo chair. Someone the magazine can contact to set
up a story. 

What makes an event special? Annual events. Inter-Regional challenge events.
Something with a unique motif. Charity events. Events in connection with a 
local festival or other community occasion. Events that conclude a small
series (e.g. statewide championships). Or a lot of things I haven't thought of

It does not have to be big. A 40-car event may be the highlight of the year in
some Regions. But it probably needs to be one that your local drivers really
look forward to for some (any!) reason. 

Let me know.


PS -- to separate any replies from the chaff of  Team.Net traffic (much of
which I delete unread), either hit your answer button to reply or else put
my name in the subject, like "Rocky - New York Solo II" or "Rocky, you bozo,
read this!"  :-)

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