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Event exposure & attracting new members.

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Event exposure & attracting new members.
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 13:08:16 -0800
><< Since mirrors in autoX aren't an issue in cars like his C-mod we could
> get some of them and make it the biggest class at Nats this year! :-{ >>
>Did I miss something here? I guess I just don't get it?
>Mike B.
Yeah, well Rob must be dreaming of beating Neons so often that he's gone

After all, he actually expects to win something, ANYTHING, while driving a
Ford.  He MUST be crazy!!  ;^)

BTW, yesterday I was letting my Neon try on all of it's new Solotime
graphics (THEY LOOK GREAT!!) and drove around the neighborhood running
errands for a while with them on the Neon.  I got stopped 6 times by people
who wanted to know all about what type of racing I participated in.  Not to
count all the finger pointing and "Wows" from kids who were tugging at
mommy's arm begging them to look at "the race car".

I got 4 out of the 6 talkative people very interested in Solo events (the
other 2 seemed to be straight line race fans, go figure?) and we may see a
few new faces at our local innaugeral event in late March.

Now I come to the purpose of this post.  More public exposure.  What I did,
on a larger scale, might be a good way to drum up more membership for our

I don't know about other clubs or cities but here in Kansas City we lost our
most visible race site (GSA) which was on a very busy main street.  Which
may be a mixed blessing by bringing back out some past racers who just
didn't like that particular site because it was on the small side of
acceptable site size.  But, most of our other available larger sites aren't
very visible by the general public and we could use more exposure to attract
more members.

We Soloists don't exactly get a lot of media exposure (at least here in KC)
so the only real form of advertising we have is either by way of word of
mouth or our event visibility.

So......What I propose in an attempt to get the local clubs a little more
exposure and members (and I will present this idea to the KCRSCCA Solo
meeting this Tuesday) is to hold some type of informal "parade" of
"decked-out" Solo cars with several stops at(?) car shops, dealerships,
eateries, etc, (on a nice, sunny Saturday or Sunday morning) that ends up at
an already set up Solo event that is designed purely to attract and
introduce potential new racers to our beloved sport.  We might even get
informational flyers or business cards made up to give to interested parties
along the "parade" route about the event and local clubs.

We could hold this parade event in conjunction with an already scheduled
Solo event and arrange to have most of the Prepared and Modified car
drivers, whose cars can't or shouldn't be driven on the streets and
therefore might not be able to feasibly be part of the parade, run in the
morning and let the "parade" folks run in the afternoon.  If the interested
attendees are apprehensive about racing their cars then I propose a
"ride-along" program to "hook" them.  The race-pace would be limited to less
than ten-tenths in an attempt to keep safety at a maximum and I personally
would be more than willing to lose a few local event points in order to give
some rides in my Neon.  Heck, I've even got 4 doors so why not use 'em?

All this is just an attempt to drum up new members and racers.  Does anybody
have any constructive thoughts or suggestions?  Any potential problems?  Any
better ideas?

See you on course.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you

Beep beep, Mmm beep beep yeah!!
"Drive My Car"    Beatles

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