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That 1,000 number again...

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: That 1,000 number again...
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:32:13 -0700
Hi all,

        I don't wish to dredge up the dreaded "R" debate again, but would like
to opinions on this. I have a friend who is interested in getting a
somewhat unusual car would likely fall into favorable classing and was
made over a 7 year run. However, because it is not specifically classed,
the 1,000 over a model year rule comes into play. Over the 7 year span
there were over 3,000 of them made, and in one particular year there
were over 1,000  made. However, not all of those thousand were in the US
market, a percentage were for the canadian market. If those Canadian
models are discounted, then it falls just short of the 1,000 number.

        So my question, do models made for North America (Canada + USA) count
in the 1,000 rule? Or is it strictly USA?


Joshua Hadler    '74 914 2.0 CSP/Bi - Hooligan Racing #29 - CONIVOR
                 '87 Quantum Syncro - aka stealth quattro

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