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TLS numbers

To: autox <>
Subject: TLS numbers
From: Brad Wager <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 11:44:48 -0500
hey everybody
how do you get to be on TLS and get your numbers.
and also if anybody has any left over stickers and
decals for autox and anything automotive
send them too me.
i have some rust holes to cover up and besides
i want to get my car to look like a NASCAR
with all of the stickers all over it haha
i,ll even put a honda sticker on my nissan!
I send you a buck and your postage in return
and the coolest sticker or decal will get a 
20 spot  P.S. my daughter has this thing for collecting stickers  {{
Real reason}}  haha
just send em to

Brad Wager
333 s.sequoia
weidman MI

DS 86 nissan 300zx N.A  nothing beats a rear wheel drive
for the fun factor!!!

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