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Re: sp changes in fast track

To: (Jay Mitchell)
Subject: Re: sp changes in fast track
From: "K.C. Babb" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:09:39 -0800 (PST)
> Karen, Karen. Try to acknowledge what the rules really ALLOW, not

Tell ya what; I'll acknowledge what they do say if you'll
acknowledge what they don't. :-)

> even in Stock. Is it your position that they've gotta have a
> brand name you recognize on 'em? When you can run "any" fuel

Of course not; where did you get that?  I was making an example
of what would be a "safe" implementation.  Should I flag examples
with "I'm not a real application, but I play one on TV".

> the fabricator, and put a warning on it not to use it on anything
> but a car, and you'd meet the requirement.

Maybe they should add "COTS" to the wording (Commercial Off-The Shelf)?

> connect." You and I know this was unintended, but it should be
> corrected before being perpetuated in the rulebook. WE know the

I might be able to help with that. Suggested alternative?  Oh wait,
you're against the prohibition.  Okay, how would you change the
rule so these things are allowed next year.  And, come to think
of it, why not allow cool-cans too?

> context, but will somebody reading and trying in good faith to
> follow the rules fifteen years from now have any way to know that

It said that torque suppression devices "may serve no purpose"
for YEARS.  People seemed to be able to figure out that this was
supposed to say "no other purpose".  The carpool lane thing again...

> becomes a criminal (cheater), and enforcement of the laws (rules)
> will necessarily become discriminatory, since you can't put

Enforcement is discriminatory right now, so what's the big deal?  
"Legal" is often in the eyes of the beholder, from roll structures in 
Prepared and where they become tube framing, to seating positions in 
Stock and when cushions become seat alterations.  If you think
something is illegal, protest it.  That's why the sport tries
not to use rank novices on Protest and Appeal Committees.  

> one? It's legal to run a Stock car in SP. Is that what we all
> should do, just to make sure we aren't inadvertently doing

Not at all.  Just run what the rules clearly say you can.  If
you have to fall back on "it doesn't say I can't", then IMHO
it's time to write a letter.

> And just maybe I'll accept the dare. Doesn't mean they'd have me,
> though. =8<P

You can write and spell and think.  That puts you well ahead of
lots of people :-)


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