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RE: Herstory

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: RE: Herstory
From: "Moore, John" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 12:29:02 -0600
        ... I find it very amusing that you men are telling us women what we
> need/should want/should do in regards to becoming interested in racing.
> Listen. You don't know what it feels like to be a woman in racing.  You
> never will. There's no way.  You're a guy, not a gal. So frankly, seeing
> you guys tell us gals what is needed to attract more gals is quite
> laughable.
> So. Until you guys get a sex change operation, I think you'd better listen
> to what the *women* think is the best way to attract *women*. :)
        [Moore, John]  Just for clarification, any posts that I have made
about women in motorsports have come from a knowledgable viewpoint.From
talking to many women I know interested in motorsports, like my sister, who
works for NASCAR, and gets all kinds of crap from people (Not just men,
women also). She is always telling me of people who refuse to acknowledge
her knowledge and know how of the sport. I also have a wife who enjoys
sports, but grew up with 2 brothers telling her that she's a girl, so she
can't participate. I also grew up in a house with 2 sisters who I saw being
put down by people (Yes, both men and women again) who insisted that they
could not compete. Thank God my parents instilled a never give up attitude
in all of us, so my sisters tell people where to shove thier comments.
                So do I know what it feels like to be a woman in
motorsports? No. Do I have an idea of what they get put through and how they
are hassled? Yes. Since I am a man should I just sit idly by and allow the
problem to occur because I am not a woman? No way. Since I am not a woman,
are my observations about the problem, from a "third party" perspective
invalid for some reason? No way either. The only way that I, as a man, can
see to remove the problems that women face,is for men to work to change
thier attitude, and for women to work with us to do so. Problem is, many men
currently don't see that there is a problem,as was evidenced by some of the
list responses. And as evidence from this email, some women don't want to
work with us, but instead attack back. Reasonable discourse between the
involved parties is the only way to solve problems, so how about getting rid
of the insults, the name calling and the ego's (both mens and womens) and
work together to solve this problem. But remember, its rooted in decades of
stereotypes and prejudices passed from generation to generation, so don't
expect a change overnight.
        Just my thought's.

        John Moore

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