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Re: Lotii in ALL classes (was DM & E Mod Weights)

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Lotii in ALL classes (was DM & E Mod Weights)
From: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 15:42:02 -0800
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly,

>I really hope that whoever makes up the rules doesn't use "brilliance"
>as a determining factor. What does it mean, exactly? Is it something
>finite? Or is it, um, a feeling? An opinion? What?

   Yes, it is an opinion, hence the *IMNSHO* preface. So please spend more
time reading what I wrote and NOT putting words in my mouth. I get in enough
trouble without your help ;-)

   My point is..... What do you think would happen to ASP if Gary Thomason
or John Ames or Shaunna M or George D. or Bob T or Kevin B got in one of
those cars? My hunch is it would be UUUUUUUUGLY! At least for the rest of
the class ;-)

   How about havin Milligan for a guest appearance ?

>Scotty, I promise, if you could just drive a Lotus it might help calm
>some of the anger swelling inside of you. In fact

   I have no anger about Lotus at all. And I would love to drive a nationaly
competitive Lotus. I tried to rent Milligans, I have tried for a ride in one
before, no takers, hmmmmmmm... I would LOVE to drive a killer Elan. When
Huffman's car broke at 97 nats I offered the wreck and he took a run in it.

   Sure Ace, you little ride broker, why don't you see if you can get me a
ride in one for the Berdoo Pro ? BWA HAAA HAAA HEE hee ehe ;-)


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