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Re: tire wear

Subject: Re: tire wear
From: Ron Madurski <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 12:21:07 -0600 (CST)
: I have a 97 Civic Ex with kuhmo v700s on some 14x6 rims.. 
: Being new to the sport I have quickly learned (although not quick enough)
:that going hot and deep into the turns is not good for my lap times nor my
:I killed my kuhmos after about 60 runs. However,
:the tire wear is VERY uneven. 
:the outer shoulder is corded and the inner shoulder has almost full tread.
:My question is.. is this wear more associated to a lack of camber or
:over-driving my car? any help/opinions would be greatly appreciated

Keep saying to yourself "Slow in, Fast out"  and while you are saying
this remember to look ahead at least 2 turns.

On a FWD car you will definitely accelerate the wear on the outside of
the front tires by entering a turn too fast.  In addition to the initial
push, the natural tendency is to steer more to get it to turn, the
proper response is to unwind the wheel slightly to get grip again and
back off the gas A LITTLE.  If you yank your foot off the gas the front
tires will load up at the same time the rears are unloaded.  When this
happens in a turn you will most often find yourself facing the wrong way

Anybody disagree with this oversimplification?

Ron Madurski

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