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Re: CM F2000

Subject: Re: CM F2000
From: Jim and Rose Ann <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2004 14:36:25 -0500
So Chuck, you say that you are sorry if I took it as an insult.  No need 
to apologize FOR me.  You don't even need to apologize TO me (which your 
statement below did not do) or to all the other C Mod competitors.   All 
we request is that this assinine idea be dropped, as you privately told 
you would do.   So why keep it up?

  I'd like to say I'm done responding to this topic, but as I wrote in 
an earlier email, I will continue to respond to stuff put out in favor 
of this wacky idea which would destroy a fine, stable, fun class.

Sincerely and Happy New Year,


> Jim,
> That was not intended to be an insult.
> Sorry if you took it as one.
> I truly believe that if a guy was just missing a National championship 
> year after year,
> he would not particularly care for twice as many competitors next year.
> Mathematically, his chances of ever winning go down.
> That's all there is to it. 
> Chuck
> Chuck
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Jim and Rose Ann <>
>     Cc: CM <> ; Andy Hollis
>     <> ; Doug Gill <> ;
>     Dan Cole <> ; Bill Gendron
>     <> ; Craig Carr
>     <> ; Tom Saunders
>     <> ; Kenny Baker
>     <> ;
>     <>
>     Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:34 PM
>     Subject: Re: CM F2000
>     CHARLES J VOBORIL wrote:
>     > I can't blame C-mod for not wanting any new competition, even if
>     > evenly matched.
>     > I'd feel pretty cheated if the class had another big growth
>     spurt and
>     > I went
>     > from finishing in top 5 to middle of pack.
>     God Chuck, do you really work hard at trying to insult us, or does it
>     just come naturally.   If you would ever hang around the CM grid or
>     impound you would know how wrong that statement of yours is.   We
>     WANT
>     more competition.  CM has had as many as a dozen exNational Champs
>     at a
>     time running in the class at Nationals.   What we DON'T want is
>     for this
>     very stable class to be turned on its head by an experiment of
>     dubious
>     value.
>     Can we just end this thread?  Because I'm not going to stop
>     replying to
>     stuff as long as others are pushing bad ideas on one of the best
>     classes
>     in Solo II.  I don't need the last word, I just need for us to
>     agree to
>     let the SEB decide now.  OK?
>     Jim

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