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Re: Had fun in CM!

To: huronmountain <>
Subject: Re: Had fun in CM!
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 10:05:54 -0400
Great!  ...and other one at risk of "having kids" _instead_ of "having 
fun".  We loose more autocrossers that way!

...Hey Steve!  Make sure it ends up as "in addition to" rather than 
"instead of".


huronmountain wrote:
> --- wrote:
>>Hey guys!  ...and gals!
>>I just wanted to say that I had a great time in
>>Topeka and look forward 
>>to a future in CM.
> I have really enjoyed my short time in CM as well. 
> This was my second time at Nationals and it was much
> more fun with tires that actually grip.  :-)  I was
> very inspired last year by Tommy and Stuart and was
> disappointed that they weren't in CM again this year. 
> I was really looking forward to running with them
> again.  If Tommy and Stuart are still on the list it
> was nice seeing you again and congrats on the BM
> performance.  Having Mark Daddio run with us was
> awesome, I hope he comes back and runs CM again next
> year.  Being a 1/10 of a second behind him in second
> place after the first day was a real high point for
> me, I just wish I drove better the next day.  :-P  It
> was very inspiring to be running against such a great
> driver.  (Not that this class isn't full of them
> already)
> I hope to be able to attend Nationals next year, my
> wife is pregnant and due in the spring.  She has
> already made me promise to cut my season back next
> year.  There are so many things I have learned just
> from this Nationals, I really hope I get a chance to
> put them to use.  Thanks to my brother Don for letting
> me co-drive and for introducing me to autocross and
> showing me the ropes, and also to Gary Godula for the
> help and inspiration he has provided.  Although I wish
> Gary would show up for more events.  :-)  These last
> couple of years autocrossing have been really great, I
> only wish I had started sooner.  Hope to see you all
> next year at Nationals.
> Steve Elzinga

Tyson D Sawyer                             iRobot Corporation
Senior Systems Engineer                    Military Systems Division                         Robots for the Real World
603-654-3400 ext 206             

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