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RE: Had fun in CM!

To: Alex Chiu <>,
Subject: RE: Had fun in CM!
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:20:32 -0400
--On Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:13 PM -0700 Alex Chiu 
<> wrote:
> I heard that they did a reverse gear check?  What is the ruling if you
> have one in the box but can't engage it for bending the linkage?

The rules require an "operational reverse", which was interpreted to mean
that you must be able to select it from the driver's seat.  Only one car
couldn't find it, which was Don Zurliene.  He had just purchased the car,
and apparently the previous owner did something to disable it (probably
removed the idler gear, I'd guess, but that's just a guess).

I also heard to Tim Koch had to run home and get one when he learned of the
check (it was posted in Registration).

Pete Calhoun had trouble finding his because part of the linkage near the
shift lever hit the frame, but he found it eventually.

I'm not aware of any other troubles.  I think Don was given a reprimand by
the PC.

Frankly, I'm amazed that anyone had any trouble at all -- I use my reverse
all the time around the pits and paddock, nearly every single event.  At
the Northeast Divisionals this year we even had to back into our grid
spaces.  Do people actually get out and push instead of just driving?
You've got a reverse, why not use it?


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