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tranny repair

Subject: tranny repair
From: William Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:40:42 -0800
      In my car it is not possible to access the top of the tranny through
the tunnel.  There is a large plug on the passenger's side for access to
the dipstick for the early model tranny, but I don't think you could do any
repair work through that access.

      Question to the group:  Dayton or Dunlop wire wheels.  Dayton says
theirs never need to be trued.  Dunlop says theirs needs to be trued upon
arrival and shortly after mounting and driving.  Anyone have any
experience?  Anyone know of polished stainless steel wheels for an Alpine?
I can find them for other cars, but not the Alpine.
Bill Lewis
FrankenSeries II

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