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Re: Series V, 8" clutch ?

To: Mike Hooper <>
Subject: Re: Series V, 8" clutch ?
From: Jan Servaites <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 17:23:02 -0700
Mike Hooper wrote:

>Apologies, I didn't realize there were such a variety!
    That's fine.. No apologies are necessary. But, this is really a good 
topic to bring up because these parts have been swapped around over the 
years, and the owners need information on how to restore it back to its 
original form. With all the different Alpine setups, throw in the Rapier 
and all the sedans, its almost impossible to sort this stuff out.

Jan Servaites (Dayton OH - The Birthplace of Aviation)


              "I am convinced that human flight is
              possible and practical."
                             -- Wilbur Wright, 1899

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