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Re: Minnow Carbs ?

To: "Jarrid Gross" <>,
Subject: Re: Minnow Carbs ?
From: "Bill Blue" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:24:41 -0500
I just got off of their site.  There are a couple of instances where stock
engine performance was measured, a Minnowfish installed, adjusted and
tested.  Increases were in the 15-20% range (I think, didn't make any
notes).  The simplisity of the thing is intriguing.  Especially as it
supposedly does not meter fuel by flow, but by pressure differences, making
it appropriate for supercharging applications.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jarrid Gross" <>
To: "Bill Blue" <>; "Whiteford Andy"
<>; "Alpine List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 5:54 PM
Subject: RE: Minnow Carbs ?

> Piner clan,
> That they will only sell a carb to an engine prepped and tuned by them
> ought to be all you need to know about whether you need one or not.
> When claims of 25% increase in power arrise, is this before or after
> they had thier way with the engine?
> Apples and oranges I say.
> Jarrid Gross
> I tried contacting them a year or so ago.  I got an automated reply that
> they would sell the carb only on an engine prepped and tuned by them.
> is interesting though.  As I understand, Fireball Roberts had considerable
> success running a Fish on a Pontiac back in the days when NASCAR was still
> running on the sand in Daytona.
> Give them a shout and let us know if they have cahnged their marketing
> strategy.  If they have, Jim E. can buy one and evaluate it for us.  A 1:1
> comparison with Webers!  That's as good as it gets.
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Whiteford Andy" <>
> To: "Alpine List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:10 AM
> Subject: Minnow Carbs ?
> > Does anybody know anything about these?
> >
> > Any Comments?
> >
> > Some of the reviews / road tests from the 1960's
> > claim large performance gains.
> >
> >
> >
> > just wondering . they're now a local company, and
> > claim Sunbeam compatability...
> >
> > -A-

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