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RE: Minnow Carbs ?

To: "Bill Blue" <>,
Subject: RE: Minnow Carbs ?
From: "Jarrid Gross" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:54:53 -0800
Piner clan,

That they will only sell a carb to an engine prepped and tuned by them
ought to be all you need to know about whether you need one or not.

When claims of 25% increase in power arrise, is this before or after
they had thier way with the engine?

Apples and oranges I say.

Jarrid Gross

I tried contacting them a year or so ago.  I got an automated reply that
they would sell the carb only on an engine prepped and tuned by them.  Sure
is interesting though.  As I understand, Fireball Roberts had considerable
success running a Fish on a Pontiac back in the days when NASCAR was still
running on the sand in Daytona.
Give them a shout and let us know if they have cahnged their marketing
strategy.  If they have, Jim E. can buy one and evaluate it for us.  A 1:1
comparison with Webers!  That's as good as it gets.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Whiteford Andy" <>
To: "Alpine List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Minnow Carbs ?

> Does anybody know anything about these?
> Any Comments?
> Some of the reviews / road tests from the 1960's
> claim large performance gains.
> just wondering . they're now a local company, and
> claim Sunbeam compatability...
> -A-

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