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Re: Re: Great news on my Alpine today

Subject: Re: Re: Great news on my Alpine today
From: Jerry Jamison <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 04:15:57 -0500 (EST)
Help! forgive me for doing this but I cannot post messages to this 
list, although I am a subscriber and receive all of the posts. When I 
try to post a message to it is returned to 
me as a "fatal error", "undeliverable, Host Unknown".  Can anyone 
offer a suggestion, please?

------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
Originally From:
Subject: Re: Great news on my Alpine today
Date: 01/26/2003 01:10pm

Hmmm.  I wouldn't have thought that the occasional use of a 'broken-
clutch could wear out the thrust washers like that.  Was there enough 
left of 
the original washers to tell if they'd been installed backwards?

I've had a spring break before, but the noise it made left no doubt 
that the 
clutch needed replacing right away.

Dick Sanders

In a message dated 1/26/03 8:46:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< In this case, the cause is that a spring from the disc, one of 
those used 
 absorb the shock of clutch engagement, broke into 5 pieces. These 
 into the diaphram of the clutch, so it took tremendous force to make 
 clutch work. This explains why the previous owner replaced the master
 cylinder and slave cylinder with new parts! (the cadnium plated 
stuff looks
 real nice!!). SInce this engine was getting all of this force, the 
 thing it could do was concentrate this force on the thrust washers. 
That is
 what wore them out fast enough and destryed the engine. So, if your 
 seems to take more force than usual, or you hear metalic chunks 
 around, and you replace your slave and master and the thing still 
cha chinks
 the gears when you shift, inspect the engine quick, because you 
might be
 ruining another difficult to find engine. Lou >>

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