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Re: Sealing stuff?

Subject: Re: Sealing stuff?
From: "Kevin McLemore" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:50:23 -0500
Jan's right - do NOT use silicone!  It won't work long term (it's not 
self-healing) and once it's been on there NOTHING will stick after that.  
Use the 3M products - they are all excellent.  You can get the 3M Ultrapro 
at any auto body supply store... if you don't know of one (they don't 
usually do retail) then you can either stop in at a friendly shop and ask 
who they use and perhaps contact them to see if they'll sell to you, or 
actually if the body shop is REALLY friendly you might ask if they'll get 
you a couple of tubes in their next supplies run.  I've also found the 3M 
strip caulk works nicely for gap-filling, too, and was often used by 
manufacturers.  You warm it up in your hands then stuff it in the seams like 
putty.  Works a treat and lasts bloody ages, staying pliable and tight.

-Kevin McLemore

----Original Message Follows----
From: jumpinjan <>
Reply-To: jumpinjan <>
Subject: Re: Sealing stuff?
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 18:58:53 -0800

        Please, do NOT use silicone. The sealant that you want is the 3M
Ultrapro Sealant, #08300. You will probably need about three tubes. I
really doubt that you will actually find this at a swap meet. Rootes
actually documented that the inner fender, where that old sealer use to
be, needs to be removed and the inner fender needed to be washed to
remove the road grime that collects behind the splash panel.


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