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Re: Tire Pressure??

To: Javier Alamo <>
Subject: Re: Tire Pressure??
From: chuck nicodemus <>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 05:52:53 -0800
Ladies and Gentlmen , may I remind you . That the National Tire Safety Assoc.,
simply states " Any tire that is 15% or under factory stated pressures are
regarded as a flat tire". And as you may or not know also that 85 % of all
drivers never check tire for proper pressures. And that persons with front wheel
drive are the most guilty of this condition as they normally cannot feel the
flat. I drive normally 35-40,000 per year and see more flats running at 60 miles
per than I care too.

My 2.785 p   on tires.

Javier Alamo wrote:

> In my Alpine I have the same sized tires, but I love more my dish of kidneys.
> I use 22 for street driving. Soft and nice to drive but hard to parking.
> Javier
> SV
>   ----- Mensaje original -----
>   De:
>   Para: Tiger Mailing List ; Alpine Mailing List
>   Enviado: Sabado, 30 de Marzo de 2002 11:37 a.m.
>   Asunto: Tire Pressure??
>   I have Pirelli 185-70-13 (13") tires on my Tiger I bought a few months
>   ago. What's the best tire pressure to use for street driving? The tire
>   shops always want to go to 30-32 lbs. which gives a retty harsh ride.
>   The Tiger owner's handbook says 26 lbs up TO 110 mph, 32 lbs. over 110
>   mph. Since I only occassionally go over 110 mph (like when I'm going to
>   the market or driving by schools), is the 26 lbs. appropriate with
>   modern tires?
>   Steve Sage
>   1967 MK1A

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